Cassia fistula, Linn.
Family : Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae
Common Name : Indian Laburnum Telugu Name : Rela


Found frequently in all the forests of Andhra Pradesh, more commonly in dry deciduous forests of Telangana area. Identified by numerous long pendulous racemes of large bright yellow flowers. Recommended for plantations in poor shallow granite, sand-stone soil and laterite soil. It is a very good copicer.


April - May.

Pods commence ripening in December, and continue from january to March - April.
Morphology of the Fruit/Seed:
Pods 30 to 60 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter, indehiscent, cylindric, smooth, pendulous, dark-brownish-black when ripe. Seeds 40-100 per pod, immersed in dark coloured, sweetish pulp. about 1 cm in diameter, flattened.
Seed Collection and Storage:
Ripe pods are collected off the trees in March-April. Seeds are separated from the soft pulp and washed with cold water before drying. Seeds can be stored for several years without loss of viability.
Seed Biology:
No. of seeds per Kg.
Germination percentage
Plant percent
No of seedlings per Kg. of seed
6000 to 7090
22 to 65
12 to 47
2400 to 2900
Hot water treatment gave 75% and H2SO4 treatment gave 35% results.
Nursery Technique:
Seeds are sown in primary beds in March-April. Germination takes place in early rains and continues for 6 to 7 weeks. They are pricked out to polybags in first rains and planted in the second rains.